New starters graduate!

Date posted: July 22, 2015

Three new starters graduated on Friday from Portsmouth University. Paul Moss, Liam Whitfield and Anna Osborne. Paul completed his BA Hons. His project investigated how the power of good architecture can have a real social impact on the lives of people from vastly different social groups, creating a place of unity and giving through an interpretation of the Food bank.

Liam completed his MArch with distinction. For his thesis project Liam designed a mixed use courtyard development aiming to tackle the issues of housing a growing ageing population. By using co-housing principles, encouraging multi-generational living and addressing environmental sustainability from the outset a community can be created providing a suitable place to live for all; regardless of age, mobility or financial income.

Anna completed her MArch with distinction, receiving the Gavin Gray Award for collaboration at Master of Architecture level. Alongside three other peers the award was given regarding excellent group work through out the duration of the Masters. Her thesis project developed 70 rules of thumb for urban agriculture, encouraging designers to provide environments for productive growing within our cities. This developed alongside masterplanning for Portsmouth University and the final scheme of a Food Factory re using the underused Mercantile House to encourage food production.