Marriotts and Lonsdale School November 2012

Date posted: November 26, 2013

Associate Andrew Fifield returned to visit Marriotts and Lonsdale schools to see how they are settling into their new building. Designing the unique new building to accommodate Marriotts, a mainstream secondary school alongside Lonsdale, an all age residential special school was an exciting challenge for ArchitecturePLB. The two schools moved in at the start of the year and are already seeing the benefits of the co location and new facilities.

“The pupils love the new environment with space and light. The staff love the new environment with excellent resources for moving and handling and teaching and learning. As a result the pupils are thriving and, I am sure you agree, that end of year reports show how much the pupils are learning and developing.”

Maria White
Lonsdale Special School Headteacher
Lonsdale Newsletter July 2013